Extension funding and finances


This could be an introduction to this module, what are the main take-aways. Also that Finance and Planning is here to help, and if they need assistance, they should contact them.

Extension Funding

2021 budget pie chart, as described in text

Extension funding comes from a variety of sources, and can vary from year to year. Here is the 2021 funding snapshot.

Grants, gifts and other: $19.9 million (25.8%)
Individuals and organizations provide support for valuable Extension opportunities important to them.

Counties: $17.6 million (22.8%)
Investments ensure 4-H and other Extension programs are delivered locally.

Federal: $10.6 million (13.8%)
The U.S. Department of Agriculture supports wide-ranging research and Extension education

State: $29 million (37.6%)
Investments are leveraged through collaborations with Minnesota state agencies, including the departments of agriculture, health, human services, natural resources and tourism.

Traveling for Extension work

Overview of how travel is preferred and expensed. Own vehicle, mileage claimed within 60 days, use Chrome River, more information on the Intranet page about travel reimbursement.

Making purchases and payments

Find out how to purchase and pay for goods and services within University guidelines.

Handling cash

Effective and efficient management of revenue from Extension educational activities, guidelines.

Contracts and agreements

Written agreements or contracts are often required for use of non-university facilities and for professional services (speakers, entertainers, consulting services, editorial services, etc.). Here is the process for getting that accomplished.

External funding

There are three types of external funding or support: gifts, grants and external sales (includes program agreements and Extension service agreements). Here you'll be introduced to the processes for each, and where to learn more about classifying and handling external funding.